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What is the P-Shot?

The P-shot uses the healing power of your own growth factors from your blood to improve sexual health and performance for men.

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What can you expect from the P-Shot?

PRP IS THE KEY. Revolutionary use of your PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) harnesses the power of multiple growth factors from your blood to achieve the results seen with this clinically proven medical technique.

We make the PRP in the office from your own blood. We will do a quick blood draw then use our centrifuge to separate your platelets and their growth factors from the rest of your blood. The process concentrates your growth factors as much as 10 times compared to normal plasma. The platelets are then activated or “super-charged” to release all of their growth factors into the tissue of your penis when injected. Once injected, these growth factors will rejuvenate all of the tissues in your penis leading to increased function and very often increased girth and length.

What Results Can I Expect From the Priapus Shot?

Shortly, after their first P-shot treatment, patients often report:

  • Improved erections, most men see a 5-point increase on the 25-point scale used by doctors to evaluate erectile function
  • Patients often experience increase of at least a ½ inch in both length and girth of the penis
  • Many patients report feeling “like a young man again” with increased firmness and increased sensitivity

The Priapus Shot also has the following advantages over oral ED medications and other treatments:

  • INCREASED BLOOD FLOW. Which gives dramatic effects but the effects are limited to the penis. There are no side effects to the rest of the body such as headaches or flushing often experienced with oral medications.
  • SAFE. No danger of interaction with other medications that you must worry about with oral ED medications. Since PRP is derived from your own body, there have never been any reported serious side effects or reactions. We use YOUR own growth factors.
  • AFFORDABLE. Compared to the cost of paying for medications over and over, the P-shot is inexpensive. The P-shot cost is inexpensive, relative to its long lasting results
  • LONG LASTING RESULTS. Results from the P-Shot can last up to one-year or more
  • INCREASED SPONTANEITY. Be ready when your partner’s ready. Don’t spend time waiting for ED medications to take effect. Many men will no longer need any ED medications at all.

Other Frequently Asked Questions:

Does it hurt?

It depends on where you go to have it done. In our office we use a nerve block, not all doctors do. The nerve block makes it so you have no pain.

Is it safe?

The procedure is very safe because we are using your own growth factors rather than some medication that you could have a reaction to.

How much downtime is there?

You might have some bruising afterwards but you can resume normal activities within a couple hours of the procedure.

How long does it take?

The procedure from arrival in our office until you leave takes about 90 minutes.

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